Friday, 29 November 2024


A lways close and treasured,
N ever once neglected,
N ot by feelings measured,
I n the heart inspected;
E arth her soul reflected.
Requiescat in Pace.
G od grant her every boon,
A fire of virtue she,
Y earning as lone the moon
N ear night to light the sea;
O be it ever told,
R oundly she shone as gold.
J ustice speak his honour,
O utrage guard his repute,
H is beauty a wonder,
N ow follow love in suit.
H eavy it is to hail
E ven my guard and friend,
N othing his strength could fail,
R earing on all, and lend
Y early on foes who quail.
S weet beauty sing in skies
A loft in purer air,
M y heart with thee in cries,
A nguished, is in despair.
N ever surely was loss
T otalled so in such way,
H eavy the pain and cross,
A nd full the tears that stray.
Requiscat In Pace. Sister.
C ourageous person thanks
H ang upon my speaking,
A s vibrant are the banks
R ivers' feed is wreaking
L o, so the lives you saved
I n verdure prosper well
E 'en from the mouth of hell.
Requiscat In Pace. Brother.
A ssign to Arthur gold
R oundabout his person:
T ake Excalibur's hold
H ew Earth's every demon,
U prooting England's foes
R oaring them into throes. 
A scribe to dreams her form,
D ark curls and pleasant eyes,
R elaying all their warm,
I nstinctive love supplies.
A s when we parted fell
N ine thousand hopes, and died
A nother ringing bell.
C ould fonder things exert
H alf as much as sadness
L ife's bruises should not hurt
O r steal away its gladness,
E very way is madness,

H aving mad features wild,
A nd nothing redemptive,
W hen love is not the child
K nown by its additive
I nscribed as happiness.
N othing save joy's compare
S hould touch the passing fair.
K nightly passion should show
E very virtue to view,
L ove and honour in tow,
S weet temper to the true
E nchanting object dear,
Y et never stepping near;

Y et ever loving still,
E ven to very dregs,
L eft to stew in the ill
S upplanting hope which begs
E ven to very dregs,
T ill nought is left but plight
H owever bright the light.

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