Saturday, 11 May 2024

The Kingdom of the British Isles.

BEING the true name, state, and expanse, of that British Kingdom the world loves so well, 'which had done so much for mankind and which had still so much more to give'. Ruled in dignified and decorous splendour by the ancient and glorious blood of the House of Windsor. It omits the word 'United' because that is self-evident in the spirit of its people and royal house.

The Kingdom of the British Isles. 

   Notice how cunningly Britain and France contrive to make the English Channel look like a wax moustache, such is the natural artistry of those nations; but even more the artistic heraldry of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, to make the shape of a dragon out of the seas in between; see between Cornwall (that English territory), Devonshire, and Wales, a small leg of the dragon, then between the large curve of the Welsh border facing Ireland the neck of the dragon, and then the head of the dragon formed by the other British nations' borders around the Irish Sea.


   London never was established by royal assent the capital either of England or the British Kingdom, and until such time as it rearranges itself to be worthy of that title, I shall view Winchester as the capital, Alfred's capital.

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